Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wild about the Wildrose

So now we have Danielle Smith to lead us out of the wilderness that is Alberta Provincial Politics. Her background with the ever popular and centrist organization, the Frazer Institute, should have prepared her properly to lead us, albeit from a neo-conservative and social conservative perspective.

She will be fully apprised of the need to properly support and fund Public Health Care in Alberta through her association with the Frazer Institute.

Also, her time spent on the Public School Board will have prepared her for the necessary proper funding required for Public Education in Alberta. Forgetting the fact that while on the Public Board she was in violation of the Alberta School Act, having not attended the required meetings.

Disqualification of trustees
82 (1) A person is disqualified from remaining as a trustee of a board if that person;
(h) absents himself or herself, without being authorized by a resolution of the board to do so, from 3 consecutive regular meetings of the board, unless the person’s absence is due to illness and the person provides evidence of that illness in the form of a medical certificate respecting the period of the person’s absence;

Combined with her colleague, Paul Hinman, who seems to have a callous disregard for the Elections Act of Alberta, as displayed in the recent Glenmore by-election, we appear to have a Party with a disdain for the law.

It will be interesting to see how they respond to the rules of a Parliamentary system.

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